November 10, 2007

Evan Misses Aria

Today has been a little rough. Evan is having some pain from the surgery and his stomach is really bothering him. He is on steroids to reduce swelling and they tend to irritate the stomach so that's probably what's going on. This morning my mom called and Evan got to talk to Aria. We thought this would be great for him, but it ended up making him really sad. He spent the next 3 hours fluctuating between whimpering and actually crying because he misses Aria. It was so sad to see and Rob and I felt helpless since he latched on to the one thing we really can't do anything about. We can get him more morphine but getting Aria here instantly is a little tricky. She'll be here next week, so he'll just have to settle for the extra morphine for now!

He's napping at the moment and we're hoping he's in better spirits when he wakes up.


Auntie Oh Oh said...

This breaks my heart. If you guys want to get Aria up there earlier, let us know, and Bryan and I will bring Aria and your mom up earlier.

Hang in there.

Claudia said...

So sweet and so sad - poor guy. Now if only the parents could get in on the morphine everybody could feel better!

I hope Evan's feeling better when he gets up. Give him a kiss from us.


Anonymous said...

I hope Evan starts to feel better soon -- seeing Aria in a few days will hopefully help! I've been thinking of all of you.

Mama Lisa said...

I'm so ready to write a more happy post! He's hanging in there though.
