October 24, 2006

Ashley Has Seizures Now Too

So who is Ashley you ask? Evan's imaginary pet dinosaur of course! She's just a baby and very small but she's having a lot of seizures.

I'm not sure if the right response is to laugh or cry as Evan declares that Ashley is having a seizure, but it really is cute and you can't help but snicker a little. He turns all his attention to her or holds her while she has a seizure. He also talks to her while she has the seizure and lets us know when it's over so we can tell him how long it lasted. Poor little Ashley has cluster seizers and can easily have 10 of them in a row, but they are quick...10-40 seconds.

Evan's seizures are not traumatic experiences for him so I tend to think this type of imaginary play is really just a reflection of what is normal to Evan.


becster said...

Evan we miss you and think about you everyday........I hope that you holding Ashley brings her comfort, you are the best dinosaur owner I know.

We are also thinking about the rest of you and you should be expecting last years christmas presents soon. Do really remember what I got you all at this point, but if I know me it is probably perfect.

Mama Lisa said...


Thanks for your comment, you are right about Evan being a good dinosaur owner! He is very loving and gentle with Ashley--she's a lucky dinosaur to have him!